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Shoulder Dislocation – Types and Treatments

Shoulder Dislocation – Types and Treatments

By Michael Brezak, DPT – Hampton Physical Therapy, Hampton NH Clinic - There are many different types of joints in the human body. Some are more fixated while others tend to have higher mobility. This of course comes at a cost as the joint with higher degrees of...

Are Shin Splints Wrecking Your Run?

Are Shin Splints Wrecking Your Run?

Physical Therapy Can Help! By Jessica Leberman, DPT – Hampton Clinic Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (MTSS) more commonly referred to as “shin splints” is an injury of the lower leg that primary occurs in the exercising population1. MTSS makes up to 16% of injuries that...

Have a Pain in Your Head?

Have a Pain in Your Head?

Types of Headaches and How They Can Be Helped... by Michael Brezak, PT, DPT – Hampton NH Clinic We all live stressful lives. The hustle and bustle of day to day activities at times can leave us feeling a bit stretched too thin. Stress plays an important role in how we...

Relief for Painful (Tennis) Elbow

Relief for Painful (Tennis) Elbow

Lateral Epicondylitis Explained By Mike Brezak, DPT, Hampton Physical Therapy Were you like many along the Seacoast this past Fall raking up the leaves? Did it never seem to end with bag after bag of filled to the brim? And have you noticed lately a pain developing on...

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Hampton Clinic

Hampton Clinic

881 Lafayette Rd (Route 1) Unit K (last unit on the left - across from Hampton Health/Core)
Hampton, NH, 03842

(603) 929-2880   FAX (603) 929-1296

 Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm

Hampton Clinic

Hampton South Clinic

55 High Street
Hampton, NH, 03842

(603) 929-2880   FAX (603) 929-1296

Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm

Hampton Clinic

Seabrook Clinic

920 Lafayette Rd (Route 1) Unit 2 (second floor of Seacoast Sports Club)
Seabrook, NH, 03874

(603) 474-2259   FAX (603) 474-2253

Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm

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