Back Pain and Sciatica

Millions of Americans are adversely impacted by back pain each year. Studies show that, at one point or another, approximately 80% of the U.S. population will be affected.
While there are a lot of treatment options available, many of these only address the symptoms and don’t target the actual cause of the pain or how to handle it in the long term.
The three main causes of low back pain and sciatica are
- Herniated Discs
- Arthritis
- Pelvis issues
Without identifying the correct cause of your pain there is no way to develop the proper treatment plan.
Our physical therapists will find the actual cause of your back pain. The goal of effectively resolving your low back pain or sciatica includes…
- Identify the true cause
- Create a unique plan for your specific condition
- Relieve your pain
- Restore your normal motion, flexibility, mobility
- Strengthen the supporting muscle
- Return to your normal activities
Here at Hampton Physical Therapy one of our specialties is Back and Neck Pain. Our Physical Therapists are very experienced and have the knowledge and skills to provide a number of different ways to reach your goal of getting back to your normal self again.
Common conditions that we treat
- Back Pain
- Lumbar sprains/strains
- Herniated or Bulging Disc (HNP)
- Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD)
- Spinal Stenosis
- Sciatica and leg pain
- Facet pain
- Spondylosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Arthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Compression fractures
- Post-surgical rehabilitation
Ready to learn more? Explore our related posts below all written by our own team at Hampton Physical Therapy.
Posts About Back Pain and Sciatica
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Chronic pain? Physical Therapy Can Help!
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Posture: Why it’s So Important and Tips to Improve It!
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Spinal Stenosis – What is it and What can I do about it?
By NICOLE CARVILLE, DPT – Hampton Physical Therapy South Spinal stenosis is an extremely common diagnosis that I see patients with daily as a Physical Therapist. Some patients present with x-ray or MRI findings diagnosing “lumbar spinal stenosis” at a certain spinal...
Scoliosis – How Physical Therapy Plays an Important Role
By LISA WHELDON, DPT If your child gets diagnosed with scoliosis you may be a bit taken aback. It can be unsettling to get a medical diagnosis with little explanation of what it is or how it can be treated. Scoliosis means that there is a change to the “normal” shape...
Osteoporosis: Physical Therapy Can Help Prevent or Erase Bone Loss
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I have a painful neck and back, should I see a Physical Therapist or go to a chiropractor?
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Sitting for long periods of time during Covid-19?
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Low Back Pain and Imaging Explained
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Sciatica Pain – Causes and Remedies
by Katherine Younes, PT, DPT- Hampton Physical Therapy – Hampton, NH Clinic Do you have a nagging pain that radiates down the back of your leg? These are the symptoms that everyone refers to as “sciatica”. Did you know that these symptoms can be a pain pattern...
Proper Lifting Technique: Low Back Injury Prevention
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Hampton Clinic
881 Lafayette Rd (Route 1) Unit K (last unit on the left - across from Hampton Health/Core)
Hampton, NH, 03842
(603) 929-2880 FAX (603) 929-1296
Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm

Hampton South Clinic

Seabrook Clinic
920 Lafayette Rd (Route 1) Unit 2 (second floor of Seacoast Sports Club)
Seabrook, NH, 03874
(603) 474-2259 FAX (603) 474-2253
Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm