By LISA WHELDON, DPT If your child gets diagnosed with scoliosis you may be a bit taken aback. It can be unsettling to get a medical diagnosis with little explanation of what it is or how it can be treated. Scoliosis means that there is a change to the “normal” shape...
Kids & Teens
Staying Flexible Through Puberty
BY KATE SERODIO, DPT Most of us remember the years of our youth as being very physically flexible. Many of us could do splits, do a perfect backbend, and some of us could even look like a human pretzel. On the other hand, some of us report that we could barely touch...
Knee Pain in the Adolescent Athlete
by Jessica Leberman, DPT - Hampton NH Clinic Young athletes may have had an increase in complaints of knee pain this past winter after playing on harder indoor courts. Adolescent athletes are among those most frequently plagued by knee injuries. Knee pain and clicking...
Is Your Child’s Backpack an Injury Risk?
By: Jessica Villerot DPT – Hampton Physical Therapy (Hampton & Seabrook, NH) It's that time of year again when your child will be returning to school. But before you head out for that infamous back-to-school shopping, it is important to make sure your child’s...
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Hampton Clinic
881 Lafayette Rd (Route 1) Unit K (last unit on the left - across from Hampton Health/Core)
Hampton, NH, 03842
(603) 929-2880 FAX (603) 929-1296
Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm

Hampton South Clinic

Seabrook Clinic
920 Lafayette Rd (Route 1) Unit 2 (second floor of Seacoast Sports Club)
Seabrook, NH, 03874
(603) 474-2259 FAX (603) 474-2253
Mon-Thu 7am-7pm - Fri 7am - 6pm